Created by Jan Dittberner


django-gnupg-mails provides a class gnupg_mails.message.GnuPGMessage that extends Django’s django.core.mail.EmailMessage with the functionality to send PGP/MIME signed emails.



The easiest way to install django-gnupg-mails is directly from PyPI using pip by running the command below:

$ pip install -U django-gnupg-mails

Otherwise you can download django-gnupg-mails and install it directly from source:

$ python install


Define settings.GNUPG_HOMEDIR to point to a GnuPG home directory containing a private key with signing capabilities.

Instead of using Django’s EmailMessage you can just use gnupg_mails.message.GnuPGMessage. The class is a drop-in replacement and can used in the same way as the original class as documented in The Django documentation.

Similar packages

You may want to have a look at django-email-extras by Stephen McDonald for other GnuPG related functionality. Stephen’s package allows sending PGP encrypted mail and provides a nice email test backend.